Project 80 manual

The manual was written by myself, Richard John Torrens, with illustrations by Stan North, about 1973. I was the service manager and was responsible for all repairs, technical enquiries, returns under guarantee, refund requests etc. So the 30 page A4 size manual is extremely comprehensive and leaves nothing to chance! It is also extremely honest about the performance available.

The Contents page for the Sinclair Radionics Project 80 manual with links to each page.

Contact me if you need any advice.

These are the individual pages of the manual. Click on a thumbnail for an enlarged view (opens in a new window). Click on this for the full-sized photo - typically 1.5Mb.

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First published Monday the 19th of September, 2016
Last modified: Mon, 08 Jul 2024 09:14:43 BST
© 2016-2024 Richard John Torrens.